what are kitchen lighting trends 2023

What Are Kitchen Lighting Trends 2023?

If you’re a home owner looking to update your kitchen decor, then it is important to be aware of what’s in fashion when it comes to light fixtures. This way, you can keep your interior up-to-date without having to worry about going overboard.

The latest trends in residential lighting include comfort living, an emphasis on natural materials, industrial-inspired design and more. These styles will take a central role in your design plan and will help you create the perfect kitchen.

Comfort Living

As the number of people working from home grows, so does the importance of making a home feel comfortable and inviting. This trend will continue to influence residential lighting design in 2023 and means that you should focus on lights that put comfort and warmth at the forefront of your interior.

You can find plenty of ways to get this look in your space, from incorporating small forms of lighting into your design scheme to bringing colour back into your home through bold pops of light.

This lighting hozodesign will give your space a warm, inviting feel and will also help you avoid having to turn on the main light too often. It’s a great way to save on electricity and will help you get the most from your kitchen, especially during dark winter evenings when you need to use the oven and cook.

Nature-Inspired Designs

Another popular interior design trend for the next year will be a focus on organic and fuzzy shapes in furniture and other items. This includes a wide variety of lamps, from glass pendants resembling water drops to floor lamp designs with branches.

A new trend is embracing the beauty of natural materials such as wood, bamboo and rattan. You’ll see a lot of these types of lights in 2023, along with light compositions made of glass and wood.

Moreover, you’ll see lots of fixtures that are made from textured paper and rope. These materials are a great way to bring a beachy and woodsy vibe into your home and can add an element of texture that is missing in many modern spaces.


This trend is a nod to environmental consciousness and will be reflected in the design of your kitchen lighting. The trend aims to reduce the impact on the environment and will also highlight the beauty of natural and sustainable materials such as wood, glass and rattan. You can also choose to make a statement with some metals such as brass and copper, which will create an industrial-inspired effect.

You can find plenty of options for this style in your space and will be able to find some that will suit your taste perfectly. You’ll also be able to find a variety of shapes and sizes for this style, so you’ll have plenty of ways to incorporate it into your kitchen.

Bold Colours

One of the hottest colours in interior design is red, and this will be reflected in your lighting design. You’ll be able to find a number of bright red and purple light fixtures for your home, which will add a pop of energy to your living space.